Hellooo, my name is Sasja. A mixed media visual storyteller and professional dreamer. I love using interactive elements to tell my stories, I love immersive captivating worlds, and I looove to paint. I primarily work analogue which I often either translate to a digital world, or to printed media of all sorts. There are so many things I love. I have too many hobbies. I can't keep up with all of them. Send help. These hobbies include but are not limited to: crochet, digital games, analogue games, arts&crafts, gardening, writing, fashion&makeup, DnD, reading, and cooking&baking.
I'm based in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Please feel free to contact me if you like my art, want to work together, or just want to have a nice chat. :)
Email: sasjapieterson@gmail.com
Instagram: @fizzyfox